I really don't like spending a great deal of money. It physically pains me to pay retail prices. Even looking at the price tags on technical outdoor gear hurts. Clearance racks are my friends - but even those can seem overpriced to me when it's backpacking gear.
That's why I like to make my own gear. At least, in my head, that's what I tell myself - I'm not really that convinced that I've saved any money...
Which brings me to the ZipLock Twist'n'Lock kitchen system.
If you're backpacking you want to keep your gear to a minimum - both in size and weight. No, I'm certainly not a gram-weenie, and depending on your standards I may not even fall into "ultra-light". That's fine with me. I will gladly settle for fairly light. That said, I think this system will fall into the ultra-light category.

If you are new to backpacking and lightweight gear this may seem a bit odd to you. But veterans are well aware of the importance of a good cozy. It's one of the most overlooked yet very important parts of your cook system. A cozy retains the heat in your container allowing food to cook without requiring it to stay on the stove - saving you fuel, often the weightiest part of most lightweight cook systems.
The small size ZipLock container holds 2 cups to the brim. It is a compact little bowl that works great for most solo meals, as a mug/cup, and you can store food or whatever else in it during transport (multiple-use items are big weight savers in your pack). And if the size small won't handle the meals you'll be doing, try the medium size container, it holds 4 cups.
Most people make a cozy for their cook pot, not their bowl. Bring your food to a boil, pull the pot off the stove and slip it into your coy and let it sit. I like the mug/bowl cozy because it makes clean up easier for me. My cook pot is only used to boil water so it never has a sticky, gooey mess to clean up.
Going this route is really a form of freezer bag cooking. Just put your pasta in the container, bring your water to a boil and turn off the stove, pour the water into the container and twist on the lid. Let it sit for 5-15 minutes (depending on what you're cooking) and walah! Food's done.
I even use it at home for oatmeal and ramen noodles.